You could make the argument that a huge amount of
cross cultural awareness already exists in people’s minds,
but it is in an unusable form. It is on the tip of the mind waiting
for someone to put it into words. Much of what The Corporate GenomeSM
TM does, is just that only more. It goes past putting things
into words and puts things into helpful visuals and demonstrations.
It takes the just-beyond-the-mind’s-grasp and makes it concrete
and easy-to-hold.
Connecting with a variety of people is key to your personal success.
Learn how changes in our world make cross-cultural skills increasingly
important. Your role in the course, navigation instructions and
the resources are explained.
1. Welcome
2. What's the Course About
3. Small World
4. The Bridge |
Recognizing the power of each person's uniqueness will open doors
of opportunity for you. Learn the factors that make up your own
and others' personal "cultural prints". Through role plays,
practice the discovery of these factors.
1. Sizing People Up
2. What is Culture?
3. What's the Focus?
4. Simulation: Getting to Know Elaine
5. Joe & Elaine Meeting |
Learn the fundamentals for success in any cross-cultural experience.
These skills can become as natural as breathing. Differentiate between
making observations and drawing conclusions. Discover how perceptions
influence communication and how to remain objective in uncertain
1. Crossing Cultures
2. Managing Perceptions
3. Building Skills
4. Helping Robert Prepare
Understanding the rationale behind another person's behavior minimizes
frustration. For greater effectiveness learn how to appreciate and
validate those different from yourself. Learn how your organization's
values are demonstrated in a multi-cultural marketplace.
1. Solutions or Time Wasters
2. Values: Affective & Closure Tendencies
3. Demonstrating Values Differently
4. Simulations: Getting to Know the Supplier
5. Putting it Into Action |
Discovering your "hot buttons" creates greater empathy
with others. Learn how to be proactive, not just reactive about
prejudice. Differentiate between prejudice, malice and naivete.
Discover practical solutions to prejudice and how to adjust to differences
without compromising your core values.
1. Snap Judgements
2. Dynamics of Prejudice
3. Realities of Prejudice
4. Solutions to Prejudice
5. The Adjustment Process |
Communicate to make a difference. Learn how to build a trust bridge
with anyone in the world by determining where you are and others
like to "swim" in the communication "aquarium".
Discover how diversity brings synergy to every team.
1. Different Languages
2. The Aquarium
3. Estimating and Observing Styles
4. Unleashing the Power
5. Using the Aquarium |
Succesfully complete your assigned role in The Corporate GenomeSM
TM. Determine where and how you will apply the course materials.
Gain practical tips on how to keep these concepts alive as a life-long
1. Review and Prepare
2. Simulation: Getting to Know President Bairtza
3. Action Plan